Akasia Kinderlandgoed
Welcome to Akasia Kinderlandgoed / Welkom by Akasia Kinderlandgoed Creche, Educare & Pre-Primary situated in Pretoria North.

For the past 40 years Akasia Kinderlandgoed has become a popular centre offering parents peace of mind in providing their children with a safe and stimulating environment with a broad experience for the care of young children.
“Our primary task is to assist you in providing your child with a healthy and educational environment. We use learning techniques that combine fun and joy with essential developmental activities.”

Akasia Kinderlandgoed is a learning environment offering different activities like computers, soccer, swimming, maths, ballet, dance and more!
At Akasia Kinderlandgoed we deliver quality childcare so that your children are able to develop into happy, healthy and well-balanced children.
“Our primary task is to assist you in providing your child with a healthy and educational environment. We use learning techniques that combine fun and joy with essential developmental activities.”

Crèche, Educare & Pre-Primêr in Pretoria Noord geleë.
Oor die afgelope 40 jaar het Akasia Kinderlandgoed ‘n gewilde sentrum geword wat ouers gemoedsrus bied in die voorsiening van ‘n veilige en stimulerende omgewing vir hul kinders.
Akasia Kinderlandgoed is ‘n uitstekende leer omgewing wat verskeie aktiwiteite aanbied soos sokker, swem, rekenaars, ballet, dans en nog baie meer!
Akasia Kinderlandgoed lewer gehalte kindersorg sodat jou kinders in staat is om te ontwikkel tot gelukkige, gesonde en goed gebalanseerde kinders.
At this school, the children and learners’ welfare and care always come first!
All planning and actions revolve around the child / learner.
No person’s self-interest will be put above this vision and mission.
Education is the priority!